Keansburg Bayside

Neighborhood Planning Initiative

Next Community Meeting

Tuesday, December 10th
Carr High Cafe
49 Carr Ave.

Take Our Online Survey

We’re creating a community-driven neighborhood plan for the Keansburg Bayside area! (See map.) This neighborhood planning process will bring together residents, business owners, public officials, local organizations, and other stakeholders to develop a comprehensive set of proposed strategies and activities to improve the community. The process is being convened by Monmouth County’s Community Action Agency, the Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA).

Once completed, this neighborhood plan will unlock special state funding to implement these proposed strategies through the New Jersey Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC) Program. 

This planning process aims to be truly community-driven. We want neighborhood residents to have a meaningful voice in the process, and feel a true sense of ownership over the plan. Opportunities for community resident participation will include an online survey, focus groups, and a series of community meetings. A full draft of the neighborhood plan will be available in early 2025 for community review and comment.

We need your ideas, suggestions, and participation

Community Meeting Schedule

Tuesday, December 10th
Carr High Cafe
49 Carr Avenue

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